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Instructor Win-Back Messages

A guide on how to set-up win-back messages

Christina Pischel avatar
Written by Christina Pischel
Updated over a week ago

What are Win-backs?

Haven’t seen your favorite client in a while? Do you miss having them in class? What if there is a way to reach out and invite them back to your class?

With FitGrid’s win-back communications, you can set up automated messages that will go to clients who frequented your class most during their time at the studio, but who haven’t been back in a while.

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How do they work?

Once you have been invited by your studio admin to use win-backs, you will be prompted to set up and personalize your win-back message defaults from the FitGrid Pro app. Once they have been set, win-back messages will automatically start sending to all applicable clients.

How to set them up?

Step 1: Navigate to your Follow-Ups tab

Step 2: From the top of the screen, tap on "Your studio would like you to set up 5 win-back templates"

Step 3: Select a win-back category to update 

Step 4: Customize your default win-back subject & body

Step 5: Tap on "Save As My Default"

Please note that you need to be on the latest version (1.6.0) of the app to gain access to the win-backs feature.

Win-back Message Example:

Subject: It’s been a while

Hey [name],

It has been about 3 months since we last saw you at the studio, so I thought I would reach out to invite you back 😊 I would love to tell you about our upcoming classes! 

Hope to hear from you soon!

[instructor name]

How to make changes to your initial win-back templates?

To make any changes to your initial default templates, navigate to your settings ⚙️ > Change Message Settings > Edit Message Templates > Win-Backs. Once you are there, select a template to update. When you are finished, tap on “Save As My Default” and you should be all set!

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