The Instructor Retention section of the report provides insights into the return visits a particular instructor is generating to their classes and studio as a whole.
Instructor Retention Rate
This measures how good an instructor is at getting clients to come back to them
Of the clients who visited that instructor, the % of clients who visited 2x or more during that month
For example, if you are looking at a report for August, this measure indicates the % of clients who visited that instructor 2x or more in the month of August
Studio Return Rate
This measures how good an instructor is at getting clients to come back to your studio
% of 1st Time Clients To The Studio in the month before, who saw that instructor, and then came back to any instructor within 30 days
For example, if you are looking at a report for the month of August, this measure indicates the number of clients who visited the studio for the first time in JULY, and returned to any instructor within 30 days (so someone who came on July 29 would have until August 29 to return to be counted)
Visit Breakdown
1x Visitors: Number of clients with 1 visit to the instructor
2x Visitors: Number of clients with 2 visits to the instructor
3x+ Visitors: Number of clients with 3 or more visits to the instructor