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Client Demand

An insight into the Client Demand section of the Instructor Performance Reports

Christina Pischel avatar
Written by Christina Pischel
Updated over 7 years ago

Client Demand

The Client Demand section of the report provides insights into the instructors ability to fill a class, their overall visit volume, and average clients per class.

Average Utilization Rate

  • This capacity utilization metric is important to understanding how full a particular instructor's classes.  For example, a 50% fill rate means if the capacity for the room is 20 people, the instructor is averaging 10 per class.

Visits per Month

  • Visits per Month is the total number of clients the instructor saw within the month. This number includes repeat visitors (i.e. - if a client came back to the instructor 2 or 3 times). 

Unique Clients per Month

  • Unique Clients per Month is the total number of different clients an instructor saw within the month. The greater the delta between TOTAL visits per month and UNIQUE clients per month, the higher an instructor's retention will be. 

Average Clients per Class

  • Average Clients per Class is the total number of clients an instructor saw within the month, divided by the total number of classes taught.

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